Marketing/sales departments are under tremendous pressure to increase sales while simultaneously reducing costs. This sounds like a daunting task. In a highly competitive environment, how can you even consider cost cutting in the marketing arena? The answer is to be more efficient with your marketing efforts to get greater mileage from each marketing dollar. You magnify your market presence by getting market exposure on multiple levels with each exposure opportunity.
For example: Company A has a new product to sell. The marketing department decides the best approach is to use an advertising campaign and trade shows to introduce the product to the market. Do the exposure opportunities end there?
Not by a long shot! They can start by issuing a press release to various trade magazines, TV & radio stations, and newspapers. They can sponsor a publicity event such as a drawing or contest. They might want to send a direct mail piece to their target customers to encourage participation in the drawing. Then they could issue a press release about the contest itself.
Another approach is writing an article for a technical journal. A well-written article can provide tremendous benefits, especially when accompanied by an advertisement. Some of the benefits include enhancements to the corporate image, broad-based exposure to current and potential clients, and a competitive advantage in terms of brand awareness and credibility.
What should you write about? Look to the frequently asked technical questions as a good source of subject material. If you are routinely answering the same questions, an article gives an opportunity to educate your entire customer base on the subject.
Once you have gone through the effort of writing the article, why not put it in the company newsletter? Why not add it to the company web site? How about using article reprints for a direct mail campaign or a trade show handout?
Are there other opportunities for the article? Perhaps you could get it published in another type of magazine. With permission of the publication that first published the article, you may be able to get it published in another magazine. For instance, a (vertical) magazine geared to a niche market would probably not have a problem if you wanted to get the article published again in a horizontal publication that covers the broader industry.
Other opportunities include such things as presenting a speech at an industry technical forum, or presenting a seminar at a technical college geared to the industry. Technical associations and trade schools are a great source of exposure opportunities.
You can also use the product introduction as a means of generating traffic at a trade show by issuing product announcements to the magazines, and highlighting the new product in preshow publicity.
Ever consider having an open house? You would certainly want to mail invitations to the event. Wouldn’t the open house be a great news item on your web site or in a company newsletter? Couldn’t you then do a press release on the success of the open house? You would of course want to do a follow-up (thank you letter) mailing to the guests who attended. How many opportunities did you just create to present your product and message to your target audience? How much good will did you build?
As you have probably guessed, each exposure opportunity presents new opportunities. The company and product are repeatedly exposed to the market without running advertisement after advertisement. You have magnified your presence by multiplying your exposure opportunities. This approach creates tremendous cost savings, yet reaches customers in a manner that is less intrusive than advertising. Rather than asking for a sale, you have giving your customers reasons to want to buy.
Obviously, a lot has changed in the marketing arena since 1999 with the explosion of social media and the subsequent stampede to harness the incredible power of it. While some may be reluctant to adopt social media strategies, the proliferation of smart phone technology that enables real-time web interaction with consumers locally and on a global scale opens limitless opportunities to those that creatively apply social media as an integral component of their overall marketing strategies. Those that fail to utilize this resource may find themselves missing out on an entire generation of new consumers.